Writing at midnight

What an epic time of the world to experience. Epic could be good or bad, it’s up to you to decide. For me it’s a bit insane. When people ask me how I’m doing I smile and say, “stretched”. That’s truly the best way to describe it. I’ve got two kids doing school from home. Some days it seems like I don’t get more than a 3 minute break until 2:30 when they usually finish up. “MOM!” is a constant exclamation, question, demand or panic phrase. Beyond that there’s the barn, my business, the book I’m writing, the blog and a podcast! Oh and dinner. There’s always dinner…and dishes. What a beautifully messy mess!

So how do I deal? One day at a time. One step at a time. One thing at a time.

A list is a beautiful thing. This week I wrote out the things I needed to do for my business. When I have a few minutes between helping kids, what I need to do is clear, and when I get that done it feels so good. Sometimes simple quick things like social media posts can loom over me all day making me feel burdened. I’m learning to take a few minutes when I have it, and schedule the dang post. Get it done, mark it off, and move to the next thing.

I’m also learning to give myself grace and hand the burden to God. I’m trying my best most days and following the things I feel God has called me to do. He’ll take care of me. I can’t do everything, and I certainly can’t be perfect, but I can try my best and give it to Him. That’s truly the answer. God’s got this y’all.

I’m grateful to be so stretched, because it has made me give up my attempts at self reliance and become God reliant, which has always been a struggle for me.

God is good,


Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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