Golden Back Isolated Image of a Male Bungee Jumper Diving Forward

What if you jumped? 

What if you tried the new thing?

What if you tried the old thing but gave it your all?

What if you took just one step out of your comfort zone? 

And then another…

And another.

Since the world changed in March 2020, I’ve had friends start businesses, go bigger in their existing businesses than they ever have before, and even pick up new hobbies like tennis. Something about the world moving into this unprecedented place, gave people permission to move into their own unprecedented place.

At the beginning of 2020 I declared it my year to stop talking about it and be about it. There were 2 particular goals I had in mind: earning a pink Cadillac and finishing the memoir I started nearly a decade ago. The memoir was started because of serious prodding from the Holy Spirit. Here we are in December. I’m nowhere close to a pink Cadillac, but I did achieve some goals in my business I’ve never achieved before!

Mostly, I’ve put my head down into writing and building a platform so there are people to read the memoir when it’s done. I pray that God changes people through it and it gives him glory. 

Building the platform has led to the blog being picked back up, a gorgeous new web site in the making, a new instagram account, and a podcast!

Let’s just say I filled my plate so darn full, that I had to give it all to God, and I am SO grateful. There is no way I could do all this on my own and remain sane.

What about you and your journey? Did anything positive happen for you this year? 

Only 3 weeks left…

We have 3 weeks left in 2020. Will it be the year the world went to crap and that’s all you’ll remember it for? Or will you remember it for something else? If you haven’t done something exciting and scary this year, do it. Not scary like going into Walmart in a pandemic. Scary like stepping out of your comfort zone.

Maybe it’s something as simple as taking a horseback riding lesson. Or maybe you want to start that new business. Want to start a podcast and don’t know how? Reach out and I’ll help you! Want to try a college class online? Learn to act? Write a book? Become a runner? Learn to play the ukulele? That dream that twinges in your heart, do something before the end of the year to get one step closer.

Make it unforgettable

What if 2020 is unforgettable, not because of Covid, but because of something you did that you’ll never forget.

Push out of the comfort zone.

Make a memory.

Be in the moment.

Thank God for the little things, like the fact you opened your eyes this morning and inhaled air.

God is good,


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Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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