Here is the much overdue update.  I thought it would be interesting to write about Silas being hurt in the middle of the injury instead of hindsight.  The ending is pretty boring, but that’s definitely what’s best for us.  Rewind to last Tuesday – Silas was nearly 3 legged, my farrier had declared the Saturday before all this began (when Silas was just slightly lame) that he most likely didn’t have an abscess, and the vet couldn’t come out (without charging a very hefty emergency fee) until Wednesday morning at 8am.  To be completely honest, I was freaking the heck out.  As it got closer to bed time, my nerves continued to grow.  A small something kept saying, it’s probably just an abscess, but my farrier had said he couldn’t find one and he knows what he’s talking about.  When a horse is 3 legged lame and it’s not an abscess, then it’s most likely something really bad.  Worst case scenarios were racing through my head and I drove my truck to the barn in case I needed to take Silas to the hospital for surgery.

As usual, my vet beat me to the barn by about 5 minutes.  With JJ in my arms, me pushing the stroller (he may be a bit spoiled) and Sandi running around enjoying her freedom, we rolled up to the barn ready to learn Silas’s fate.  Joey and I had braced ourselves for Dr. Broaddus to pull out all the stops.  I was ready for digital xrays followed by about 3 other imaging machines followed by a hefty bill.  She took one look at Silas’s leg, put on her farrier chaps, grabbed a hoof knife and went to work.  Within 15 seconds she got to the bottom of it – a disgusting, pussy abscess exploded open.  Silas sighed in relief – or at least it seemed like he did.  After a week of soaking and wrapping, Silas is spending his first night in the big field with his buddies tonight. It’s a party I’m sure.   His foot is wrapped in approximately 7 layers of black Gorilla Glue tape and 2 layers of of Elasticon.  Hopefully Thursday afternoon I’ll be back in the saddle and Silas will be back on track, in basic training to be a show horse.

Yes Jill, you called it! 🙂

Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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