I can hardly believe I’m writing this. The book that started this entire journey – the reason I built this website you’re on, started the podcast so many listen to, write for magazines – is almost here!

After years of writing, praying, editing, slogging, inspiring, sweating, late nights, early mornings, all of it, I’m down to the final steps of publishing Finding Gideon. It’s time to send it to the professionals. I can hardly believe it. The book is with one editor now, with another editor waiting, and a cover designer getting going.

But here’s the deal. This phase is expensive. Like, really expensive. And I thought, maybe you or someone you know would like to partner with me? I set up a Kickstarter campaign for the month of February 2023. 

Kickstarter is kind of like gofundme, except it helps people financially back creative projects. You get to be a patron of the arts, and get rewarded for it!


 For just $10 you’ll get an invitation to my exclusive virtual book launch party. I’m really hoping EVERYONE does that because I want everyone at my party!!! The sky is the limit! You could back $10, $100, $1000, or even $10,000 (I’m thinking really big here)! Every dollar helps and is appreciated.

Thank you for being a part of the journey, and for bringing Finding Gideon to the world.


Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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